Tagged: indoor


Are Home Cardio Workouts Effective?

It can be a trek to get to a gym for some people and waiting for a machine, well who fancies that? In a world where convenience and health-consciousness go hand in hand, home cardio workouts have...


Which Type of Exercise Bike is Right For You

So, you’ve got fitness on your mind and you’re leaning towards an exercise bike. I don’t blame you, you can sit down and exercise at the same time… what’s not to love? Exercise bikes come in all...


10 Yoga Poses to Stay Healthy & Motivated

“You cannot do yoga. Yoga is your natural state. What you can do are yoga exercises, which may reveal to you where you are resisting your natural state.” ― Sharon Gannon Most of us look at yoga as a...


Yoga Diet And Poses For Weight Loss

Losing weight is a challenge in itself. There are times when we plan to improve our fitness, but due to various reasons such as a lack of time, motivation or ignorance of methods the plan remains unexecuted....

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Yoga During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful milestone in the lives of many women. However, it certainly comes with its stresses. You may notice your own body changing in strange ways, a higher tendency for mood swings as a result...