Author: Theo Lawrence


Are Home Cardio Workouts Effective?

It can be a trek to get to a gym for some people and waiting for a machine, well who fancies that? In a world where convenience and health-consciousness go hand in hand, home cardio workouts have...


Will Kettlebells Help You Lose Weight?

So, you’ve decided to embark on a weight loss journey? Good for you! The first step is to decide through which capacity you’re going to achieve this. However, we understand that this isn’t black and white. There...


How to mix up your workout programme this summer

Summer is soaring towards its peak as the weather starts to approach the mid to late 20’s. It’s a testing time for the fitness conscious folk as the high temperatures can be very off-putting and demotivating. Your...


Fitness Christmas Gift Guide

The light displays are up in major cities, that one neighbour is consuming the whole road’s power supply with their obnoxious light up snowman and the puffer jackets are on. The countdown to Christmas has begun and...