Author: Billie Harrison


Barbell Buying Guide

  Everyone who has gotten into strength training has at some point benefited from picking up a barbell. But why have we been using barbells?   The reason that barbells are so valuable to our workouts is...

Woman adjust workout intensity monitor of recumbent bike 0

Low-Impact Ways to Stay Fit

A great bonus with low-impact cardio is that it is pretty much accessible to do anywhere from the comfort of your home, the gym or outside.    Low-impact exercise gives you the opportunity to exercise while reducing...


5 Reasons Why Running Can Lift Your Mood

It can be difficult to drag yourself out of bed when the 6 am alarm goes off for you to get up and go for your morning run. Although everyone who knows that feeling will also know...


The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

Physical exercise can be an important factor in your mental health, proven to relieve symptoms of mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. Exercise has been used in the past by mental health professionals as part...