Buying Guide: Commercial Gym Equipment

Whether you’re sourcing commercial gym equipment for a new business or looking to add some new features to an existing gym, there are always important considerations to make before you start spending. There are so many aspects to think about: do we need a weight rack? What’s the best commercial treadmill? In this buying guide, we will help you navigate through the critical factors to consider, including deciding what equipment is essential for your facility, managing your space, and identifying high-quality, safe machinery. We hope that by the end of this guide, you will have a better understanding of what to look for and make an informed decision that meets the needs of your clients and facility.

Essential Equipment for Commercial Gyms

There’s a difference between the equipment your clients expect you to have and the pieces that are exciting novelties. While niche items might draw people in for a time, you don’t want to blow your budget on these before making sure you have all the essentials.

The best strategy is to write a list of key equipment and make sure you have these locked in before you branch out. This can help you stay within budget, and save space. Make sure you think about providing a good range of exercise machines so your clients can achieve a full and varied workout.

Cardio Equipment for Gyms

Choosing an Exercise Bike

A commercial treadmill should be durable, with features such as shock absorption systems, smooth stop/start function, and handrail sensors for heart rate tracking. It is also a good idea to invest in machines with entertainment systems for those working towards long-distance stamina. The Lepow N8T commercial treadmill model has a 21” touchscreen console that includes a virtual running simulation and the ability to install entertainment apps such as Netflix and Youtube.
Your gym’s exercise bikes should be sturdy enough to support every client, with a comfortable, adjustable seat. Choose an exercise bike model with a broad base to avoid accidents. Again, it is a good idea to spring for the most up-to-date console, so your customers can benefit from programmes and entertainment systems.

You may also choose to invest in mats to go underneath treadmills and exercise bikes. These protect the floor from impact, reduce noise and mark a “safe zone” of clear space around each machine.

Commercial Strength Training Equipment for Gyms

get started with weight training - cover

Any good gym needs a full range of free weights, with dumbbells, kettlebells and barbells available to use. Consider how you will store these in a safe and accessible way. A weight rack designed for each type of free-weight can help with storage while allowing customers to help themselves. Free-weight storage racks can also be used to break up the space, creating a partition between different zones.

To choose a quality weights rack, ensure the base is broad and stable to avoid tipping, and that the build is sturdy enough to hold a large quantity. Racks with clear zones for each weight can help clients return the equipment to the right place.

Your gym can support customers with their strength training by providing access to weight-lifting systems such as the Smith Machine. This is not everyone’s favourite, but some people find it useful to build confidence when lifting barbells. The Smith machine shouldn’t replace spotters in your gym, but the safety hooks along the bar do mean customers can rest when they need to. A quality smith machine can help beginners perform squat lifts more easily and safely. Look for models that have built-in weights storage so your customers can find everything they need.


Smith Machine

Another strength Training essential is the Duel Adjustable Pulley or Cable machine. This versatile machine can be used to isolate different muscle groups and support a variety of weight-training exercises safely and reliably. When purchasing a duel adjustable pulley machine, ensure the frame is sturdy and all joints are tight. Test the weight selection pin moves smoothly. For a commercial duel pulley, it is a good idea to have the pin attached to the frame by a cable to avoid it being misplaced.


Duel Pulley Machine

Commercial Gym Budgeting : Second-Hand Gym Equipment

You can stretch your equipment budget by purchasing equipment from the right places. It’s often possible to find used or second-hand gym equipment for commercial use for a reasonable price, if you don’t mind a small amount of cosmetic wear and tear.


How much space do you have in your gym? This will impact the size and quantity of equipment you will be able to fit in. It is a good idea to calculate the area of your space and make a floor plan so you can visualise where things will go. Always check the dimensions of equipment against the floor plan to ensure you have adequate room. Remember to include enough empty space around machinery for safety.


Although cheap machinery can seem like a good idea, it is worth paying full price to ensure your equipment is durable enough to withstand almost constant use. An exercise bike designed for home use by one or two people will wear out in a commercial gym setting, where many people will use each item during each day. Proper commercial equipment will save you money later on repairs and maintenance.

You also want to ensure your commercial gym equipment creates a good experience for users, with features such as preprogrammed workouts, heart rate monitors and entertainment systems.

To account for multiple users, get pieces with the highest range of adjustability. You may have some clients who are 6ft7, and others who are 5ft5, so be sure to cater to the widest user base possible.


It’s important to only purchase equipment with all relevant safety equipment in tact. Even when something seems common sense to an owner, accidents happen, and it’s up to the gym owner to ensure the equipment is up to appropriate safety standards.

Commercial Gym Equipment at JLL Fitness

Woman adjust workout intensity monitor of recumbent bike

At JLL we have both used and new equipment for commercial use, as well as advisors on hand to support you in designing your gym layout or finding single items to complete your gym. Browse our online shop here or call our team to arrange a visit to the showroom and see our complete range.
At JLL Fitness, we create custom gym solutions that cater to the unique needs of different commercial gyms. Whether you want to set up a large public gym or a small, private fitness room, our team has the expertise and experience to help you find the right commercial gym equipment to fit your requirements.

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