8 Amazing Meal Prep Tips To Make Life Easier

Meal preppers usually love to quote a famous motto by Alan Lakein, a time management professional. Alan Lakein believes that “Failing to plan well is simply planning to fail.” To be sincere , how many times did you ever get home from work and thought you’re too tired to cook yet there’s nothing left in the fridge? When this happens, it can be tempting to not eat a meal or go out for fast food. However, by preparing and planning well, you can prevent all of that from happening ever again. Then once you master it, you will be amazed at how much money and time you’ll end up saving.

You’ll also see some positive changes in your health and weight simply because you won’t be getting fries and a burger as your primary source of nutrients.  Here are 8 simple tips for a fast and simple meal prepping experience.


  1. Make A Good Plan

Make a comprehensive list of all your favourite healthy foods. Pick simple ingredients and recipes which can be made in bulk or quickly, and then decide which you will have for every meal and snack.

This step gets faster and easier with practice. Save your meal plan for the upcoming weeks as well. Once you’ve got some meal prep recipes in your arsenal, then you can keep on rotating them so and not get stuck eating chicken breast and brown rice 5 days a week for the rest of your life.

  1. Invest In The Food Storage Containers

Investing in good food storage containers of different sizes and shapes to suit your personal needs will make all the difference. I recommended that you choose a type that has smaller units within the package that store neatly within each other. This way, you’re getting a good variety of containers but aren’t going to end up with an impossible to manage closet.

In case you choose plastic containers, ensure that they’re BPA-free and that they won’t melt when placed in the dishwasher or microwave. Pyrex dishes that come with lids are a great alternative to plastic but are going to be more expensive.

When your meal prep game starts to take off, you’ll also want to consider getting a storage container for all of your dishes as well. Typically a small duffel bag or bag with similar material that’s designed with compartments does the trick.

  1. Mix Things Up

It can be tempting to eat the same food every day. However, you will certainly get bored in the long run. Instead, have at least 4 dinner and lunch options that you’ve mapped out to switch things up.

This could be as easy as picking different types of proteins for your salads every day, or eating vegetables and chicken three nights a week. Once you master the whole idea, you can become more creative with the food recipes. Consider consulting a health and nutrition specialist to give you more ideas as well.

  1. Keep The Snacks Simple

When you are cooking everything at once for the whole week, it is important that you keep things simple. This ensures that you keep your meal prep routine to a manageable timeframe and incentivize yourself to want to keep doing it. You can save time by picking snacks that will not take much time to put them together.

Some examples of quick and tasty snacks are:

  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Pre-cut veggies with hummus
  • Fresh fruits
  • Trail mix


  1. Cook All Of Your Foods At Once

Cooking all of your foods is a huge key to saving time and money. Find a way to prepare all of the ingredients and prep work in advanced and then cook everything in the order that it needs to be cooked in one setting. For example, the longer something takes to cook, you will want to start that first, and so on.

Doing this will not only save you time during the rest of the week, but it can also cut  down on your utility bills. Just imagine all your dishes for the whole week…ready in less than 30 minutes and only having to clean up once.

Amazing right?

  1. Get Onto The Mason Jar Salads Bandwagon

Everyone is going crazy over Mason jar recipes, and for good reason. Go look on Instagram and Pinterest and you will see thousands of pretty and mouth watering salad and oatmeal recipes. .

However, they are also practical as well. They are super cheap to buy, easily reusable, and very sturdy as well.  The vertical shape makes these jars especially useful for eating your food in the most efficient way possible as well. PIcture yourself eating a salad, but putting the greens on top of the dressing at the bottom of the jar. No more soggy salads.

Meal prepping is not only a time, energy, and money saver, it’s a life saver.

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My name is John Welborn and I'm a personal fitness coach and fat loss specialist in the Portland/Fairview Oregon area. I specify in helping overweight and obese individuals transform their bodies, lives, reclaim their freedom and confidence, and reach the best shape of their lives. You can get in touch with me by checking out my fitness website.

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2 Responses

  1. March 10, 2020

    […] As you can tell, it is packed full of goodness and helps you get those much-needed nutrients and vitamins. How can you use salmon in your diet you may ask? Well, check out our recipe below. It is easy to make, requires one pan and is perfect for dinner or lunch. You can even ensure it can become part of your meal prep routine. […]

  2. January 29, 2022

    […] of paella. Always packed full of flavour, high in protein and easily versatile for a group dinner, meal prepped lunch. If you don’t like prawns, you can always take them out. Guarantee to have such a great dish! […]

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